Petite teen gets naughty with Kumalott (feat. Janessa Jordan)
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Oh my goodness gracious! Back in my day, we would never talk about such wicked things like these young’uns do nowadays. But, I just saw a video on that computer place called YouTube that has got me all in a tizzy. In this video called "Petite Teen gets Naughty with Kumalott”, which features a fine young lady named Janessa Jordan, it sure looks like they’re doing some crazy things. I can’t believe what became of this world. Let me tell you folks a thing or two about this video description. Those animals! Yes, animals! They seem to be doing some sort of devilish thing called threesome, where multiple people get involved. And from what I gather, there's at least three folks there altogether!I noticed this Janessa girl’s got a tattoo on her arm, I thought to myself: “Well what do you know, those crazy kiddos are treating their bods like a coloring book now.” She seems to be wearing some sort of glasses too, bless her vision. Maybe she can see better enough to know not to get involved with such things. Bucky and Jenn, whoever those kids are, they seem to be from that place called Canada, eh? My oh my, it plumb hurts my head thinking about what the world is coming to. But that Kumalott fella, he seems to be the man that invited them over. That Kumalott’s gotta be a crazy one! With a name like that, he sounds like quite the character. Must be something in the water over there. And they got this fella aim'n camera-- now that don't seem proper at all! But if these kids want to go and ruin their filthy reputation, far be it from me to stop them...No-goodnicks, the lot of them! They oughtta be doin' something wholesome like makin' folk like me some confound brownies. All I know is, if people behave like this in broad daylight nowadays, imagine what they do in the confines of their own bedrooms! Makes my hair stand up on my pig-tails!